System Integration

Simply build your audiovisual infrastructures

Integration Solution

We help you create, move, or renew your production and broadcasting infrastructures

What we can do for you

Creating your new technical design plan and architecture (MAM, Newsroom, Production, Playout, OTT Platform …)

Having 24/7 remote or on-site technical support after installation

Benefiting from the best SLA in the media industry

Deploying, installing, and implementing audiovisual solutions and equipment. Accompanying and training your teams

Production automatisée et conception de systèmes de diffusion, quelle qu’en soit la complexité

Automated production and design of broadcasting systems, regardless of complexity

Operating media systems, whether you deployed them or we integrated them



  • Support on your functional specifications
  • Workshops
  • Visits to various integration sites
  • Analysis of manufacturer solutions


  • Engineering/Planning
  • Design
  • Equipment resale
  • Wiring/Carpentry
  • Deployment
  • Operator training
  • Detailed technical specifications
  • Operational management
  • Operational support


  • Assessment
  • Operational support
  • Integrator maintenance
  • Additional services
  • Disaster Recovery

Our partners

Integration System Customers