Whether we are at home, at the office, on the subway (…), be it live, on demand, by title, with subscription, we consume more and more TV programs each day, on multiple devices.

The explosion of our audiovisual use in mobility cannot be denied. TV may still be the undisputed leader in video content consumption with 71% of the total audience, other connected devices (laptop, smartphones, tablets, etc.) nowadays represent 29% of our daily viewing time.

Following the evolution of technologies and usages, broadcasting methods and media distribution are multiplying. Today, it has become obvious that the growth of OTT (Over-the-Top) video platforms is the best answer to support these new video habits.

There is no need to demonstrate the interest of OTT to open up new audiences & monetization opportunities for your content. However, it is important not to ignore the Marketing, Editorial & Technical issues you will face.

Are you OTT ready? Contact us today and let’s discuss your project together: hello@cji.paris

Learn more about our OTT solution